The central tool of such efforts would be the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004, or R.A. 9262. It is an empowering law that provides the most broad framework for protection from physical, sexual, psychological, and economic abuse, in order to empower victims, making them access protection orders and legal remedies to assure safety and dignity. Implementing R.A. 9262 promotes accountability and increases awareness of the seriousness of VAW and constitutes the cornerstone of the 18-day campaign.
This is further supplemented by the Safe Spaces Act, or R.A. 11313, also known as the "Bawal Bastos Law." This legislation, enacted in 2019, protects individuals, women more so, against public place harassment, workplace harassment, and even harassment on virtual platforms, among others. It protects against dangerous acts of catcalling, stalking, cyberbullying, among others harmful acts. This law promotes a culture of respect and dignity whereby victims are empowered to report incidents without fear of reprisal and whereby violators are penalized in the fight against harassment.
Among legislative tools on the battleground for VAW, the most prominent and the ones utilized are Anti-VAWC Act, Safe Spaces Act, and R.A. 11648. Though, will only be improved from coming from other different sectors. United in efforts in attaining the observance of laws that shall increase awareness builds a future without violence and fear and becomes a threat to women and children of a safer and more balanced society.